Skin Rashes

Why are skin rashes so common place? Why do more and more people suffer from skin conditions? Modern medicine is well developed, yet still there is no satisfactory explanation and no real ‘cure’ for these troublesome and painful conditions.

The more I read and research health and wellness, skin conditions and their probable causes, the clearer the link has become in my mind. In the olden days our cleaning products were made of hot water and soap, or bicarb and vinegar, or just plain old elbow grease. Our bathroom cupboard was not full of hundreds of different products housed in plastic bottles and tubs, and our clothes were washed in nothing more than boiling water.

Fast forward to the 21st century. Now for most of us, our morning routine alone means we start each day by applying multiple products to our hair and skin. We vigorously and vigilantly scour our homes with a selection of chemical based cleaning products, and we use highly developed detergents, fabric softeners and ironing aids on our clothes each time they go in the wash.

So what’s the difference? Chemicals. Synthetic chemicals, poisons, pesticides, insecticides, preservatives, petrochemicals, toxins, carcinogens, allergens, and irritants.

The products we use in our modern day homes to keep them clean, and the personal care products we use on our bodies to keep them clean, soft, beautiful, moisturised and shiny all contain a different mix of chemicals, many of which are proven allergens and skin and eye irritants.

Our morning routine alone can unknowingly expose our skin to up to 100 different chemicals. These synthetic chemicals (ingredients in the products) are applied to our skin, or come into contact with our skin, where some of them may produce a direct reaction – skin inflammation and/or irritation, dermatitis, eczema and other skin rashes.

The skin is the largest organ in the body, and is extremely good at absorbing the substances it comes into contact with. So not only are these foreign substances in direct contact with your skin, they are also rapidly absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream where they have the potential to cause more kinds of havoc. Some accumulate over time, some are stored in fatty tissue or in organs, like the liver.

One of the biggest contributors by far to the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema are detergents, and in particular laundry detergent. When you wash your clothes, the fabric of your clothing absorbs the detergent and even after a good rinse, residue will remain in the fibres. You can detect the product residue easily by its fragrance just by giving your freshly washed clothes the sniff test. Your clothes are then worn against your bare skin. All day long your clothes link your skin and these chemicals and all night long your pyjamas, pillowcases and sheets take over the transfer.

The result is that your skin is constantly getting a dose of whatever ingredients and irritants or allergens are in your laundry detergent. Do you know what is in the detergent that you use?

These ingredients are also building up in your system. If you use off the shelf laundry detergents you clothes could be the main link between you and your skin condition.

There is a great international company out there that makes safety conscious, allergen free laundry detergent and a range of other household and personal care products that are safe to use, really work, and won’t make you break out in a rash. They have achieved this by removing over 3,000 ingredients proven to be, or suspected to be harmful to human health – so you don’t have to worry about what is going onto your skin on a daily basis. Break the link today!

Discover how to find safe alternative products [] today!